Patrick and I did it – we are pregnant. It took two months (we were unsuccessful in month one and successful in month two). We waited the traditional 12 weeks before announcing the pregnancy. The first trimester was fairly rough, but I kept reminding myself of what my mother said “Enjoy this time. It’s not often that you are pregnant.”
Besides the happy news of baby Lemieux, there has been some sad news. My dad has been in hospital for almost a month now and it’s been stressful. Patrick and I have been flying to Wisconsin weekly to visit and keep Mom and Elizabeth company. I’m so thankful that I am not abroad this year and that I am pregnant and able to skip training to be with my family when needed.
Now, back to the fun stuff. Here are some fun things about my pregnancy:
How many weeks pregnant: 13.
My guess on gender: I thought it was a girl, until I saw the ultrasound and then I thought boy.
Pat’s guess on gender: Boy.
Food aversions: Weeks 5-11, I could not stand meat, vegetables, or salads. I also could not cook as the smell of cooking was awful (thank goodness for Patrick!). I would try so hard to have a salad, but a bite of anything nutritious made me nauseous.
Food cravings: I would call it food survival, not cravings, as nothing else sounded good. I could stomach white toast with butter, white pasta with butter and/or cheese, cottage cheese, bagels and cream cheese, crackers and cheese, mashed potatoes, and fruit. Basically I could eat anything that was white in color, or anything unhealthy. I also craved sweets. I had hot chocolate every night as well as cookies, pastries, donuts and more. Patrick said he was going to make a salad for dinner and I said, “That’s OK, but how about we just go to McDonalds? I’d be happy with a double cheeseburger, fries, and a shake.” I was eating unhealthy and am unsure if it’s the hormones or if I’m giving myself a “break” from my normal healthy eating habits.
Sleep: I am sleeping 10-12 hours a night, plus a long nap mid-day. This is not normal. Usually I sleep 8 hours a night with a short 15 to 20-minute nap.
When I feel my best: I feel my best when running. My nausea seems to disappear when I’m running so I’ve been running quite a lot to escape the first trimester blues.
When I feel my worst: I feel my worst when I have an empty stomach or when I smell cooking. I started to leave crackers and apples by my bed to eat in the middle of the night and in the morning. Poor Patrick wakes up to some loud crunching.
Biggest area of growth: My stomach was the first to get bigger, followed by my chest, thighs, waist, and more. For a month or two, I just felt flabby. Now I feel pregnant :)
Times I go to the bathroom during the night: On average, I go to the bathroom three times a night.
Belly button in or out? My belly button is still in and I think it’s even more pronounced now that I have more fat on my belly.
Wedding rings still fit? Yep! Although my legs get swollen.
Best moment of being pregnant so far: Seeing baby Lemieux move on the ultrasound and counting baby’s 10 fingers.
Worst moment of being pregnant so far: Waking up and feeling awful, followed by a day of laying in bed. One day I felt so sick and tired, I spent the entire day in bed without my phone, computer, TV, or book. Pat delivered food in bed and I spent the rest of the day with a bucket within an arm’s reach.
On my to-do list: Patrick and I are actively looking for a home and have been unsuccessful. We have a ticking time bomb to get a home (and then outfit the home with baby supplies!).
Training: I have been exercising about once a day. For the first trimester, I didn’t feel well enough to do more than one thing a day. Now that I feel better, I don’t have time with all the travel back home. It’s nice to take a break from the intensity and three workouts a day, although I do miss feeling fit. I have been mostly running just because that’s what feels the best and that’s what is easiest when traveling. I sometimes hop in the water for a swim, but usually only get in 1,000-2,000 yards. (I get bored quite quickly without my training buddies.) I haven’t been biking much as it’s winter and I don’t have the motivation to ride a trainer.
Patrick and I are going to wait to find out the sex of the child. 2016 was an amazing year, but 2017 will be the best by far (as long as Dad heals up!). Having a child trumps any and every athletic achievement. The joy Patrick and I have right now is indescribable and I can’t even imagine what we will feel when the baby is born. I will obviously stay state-side this year for medical care and will not be racing triathlons.
Picture of Baby Lemieux
Going for a walk as my second "workout"
I went to the Pettit for a run while I was in Wisconsin.
This is how I felt most days in the first trimester