2016 Cozumel WTS

What an incredible year! Since Rio, the most common questions I’m asked are, “Can you believe it?” and “What’s next? Will you go to Tokyo?” To answer the first, yes. Yes, I can believe it. There is power in what you tell yourself and for four years, I’ve said I aspire to win gold in Rio. I believe I had that great performance this year because I conditioned myself mentally to achieve it. I focused fully on August 20 and it paid off.

After the Olympics, I spent a week in New York for media engagements. I then joined the Wizards in Clermont, FL, and I was honestly having so much fun training. Everyone was happy, including me. The sun was shining some days, but all the days, the group was happy. Training was relaxed and we enjoyed our workouts.

At the beginning of the year I said, “If I come in last at every race this year but the Olympics, I will be happy.”

Patrick said, “But don’t you think it would be nice to be World Champion too?”

 I shrugged and said, “That’s not the goal.”

It wasn’t my goal to be World Champion this year, but when I was in the running for the title, my competitive nature kicked in. After Rio, I wanted to be World Champion again.

The WTS World Champion is decided by adding an athlete’s top five WTS races plus the Grand Final. I raced in four WTS events (plus a World Cup). In order to win the World Title, I needed to win in Cozumel and Flora Duffy needed to place outside of the top two places.

At the Grand Final in Cozumel, I put myself in position for a great race after my swim and bike, but I failed to execute on the run. I was mentally fatigued and struggling. I knew even if I passed Flora, I still wouldn’t win the World Title. I allowed myself to think negative thoughts about factors outside my control. 

I gave it my all, but Flora outperformed me in the swim, the bike, and the run. Flora had an amazing race and earned her World Title. I’m so happy for her! She has truly challenged me and forced me to become a better and different athlete. I’m also super happy for my training partner Charlotte McShane. I vividly remember a talk we had about three months back. Charlotte was convincing me I could win gold in Rio and I was convincing her she could podium at the Grand Final. I’m not sure if either of us believed each other, but her words motivated me in Rio and I hope mine helped her in Cozumel. We also talked about future plans – I told Char what I wanted to do post Rio. It’s something I haven’t shared with many others. 

Up next for me is the Island House Triathlon and the New York City Marathon. But the big question is what’s after that? Charlotte knows, Patrick knows, but not many others know. I’ve been afraid to say it aloud because I’m scared of failing; but if I’ve learned anything these past four years, it’s that I can condition myself for greatness. So, I’m going to start conditioning myself now for my next life goals: Patrick and I want to have a baby and I want to go to Tokyo 2020. There, I said it. It’s in the universe and there’s no taking it back.

Thank you all for your support these past four years. It’s been a great journey and I can’t wait for the next four years.



My parents came to visit in Florida :) 


Pre riding the course with Patrick in Cozumel. Photo thanks to Specialized. 


Photo thanks to Specialized. 


Photo thanks to Specialized. 


Photo thanks to Specialized. 


Photo thanks to Specialized. 


Photo thanks to Specialized. 


Love this photo. So happy for this girl!