A day at the table with Gwen

Ever wonder what a triathlete eats in a day? Well, below is a one-day food diary for Patrick (my fiancé) and me (all measurements are estimates, as we do not measure food). Every triathlete and person is different, and every day for me is different. Below is a day in the ‘food life’ of me from a random Tuesday a few weeks back. This does not include what I drink in a day (lots of water-maybe 3 liters, a sip of Patrick’s coffee, sparkling water, and usually a Silver Edition Red Bull if I have a bike ride). It also does not include treats. I have dark chocolate after every meal (yes, even breakfast). If you see something you like, I encourage you to make it tonight!


Breakfast: Oats with Eggs

I absolutely love this breakfast and never get sick of it! I would say I eat a variation of Oats with Eggs at least six days a week. It is also usually my race morning meal.  


2 cups oats

Handful of walnuts

4 cups water or milk

1 tsp salt

Handful of raisins

2 bananas

2 Tbs coconut oil

4 eggs

Dash of vinegar

Boiling water


  1. Soak the oats and raisins overnight in water or milk (soaking the oats gives them a creamy, delicious texture and makes them easier to digest)

  2. In the morning, slice two bananas and add the bananas and a pinch of salt to the oats with extra water or milk, if necessary

  3. Slowly heat the oats on the stovetop

  4. While the oats are cooking, boil a pot of water with a dash of vinegar to poach your eggs. When the water boils, crack four eggs into the water and cook for 3-5 minutes (depending on how you like your eggs cooked)

  5. Once the oats are cooked and warm, stir in 1-2 Tablespoons of coconut oil, walnuts, and any other mixings you enjoy (some of our other favorite mix-ins: yogurt, berries, dried fruit, nuts, peanut butter)

  6. Top the oats with the poached eggs and enjoy

My sister says "This looks disgusting!" However, I don't think you will be disappointed if you try it!

My sister says "This looks disgusting!" However, I don't think you will be disappointed if you try it!

Lunch: Lamb Beef Curry

I usually come home from the pool and lunch is sitting on the table ready for me to eat (thank you, Patrick!). Lunch is almost always rice-based (Mexican casserole, chicken pesto rice, moussaka with rice, rice/veggies/meat and some sort of sauce). Curry is also a staple and one of my favorites.


2 cups rice

1 pepper

80g mushrooms  

1 large onion

2 large carrots

1 small head of broccoli

80g frozen peas

500g lamb mince

Coconut oil

3-4 cloves garlic

1 Tbs fish sauce

1 heaping Tbs curry powder

1 can coconut cream

2 tsp grated fresh ginger


  1. Cook vegetables (except peas) in coconut oil in a frying pan

  2. Start cooking the rice in a rice cooker or on the stovetop (we use a rice cooker)

  3. Add coconut cream, peas, and spices to the vegetables. The longer you let this cook, the more flavorful this dish will be – patience is a virtue (good thing I don’t normally cook this dish!)

  4. Cook meat in a separate pan with oil.  When the meat is cooked, add to the vegetables

  5. Combine ingredients and enjoy. For a different flavor of curry, add lemongrass to the dish



This lunch (and a piece of chocolate) satisfies me; however, I usually need a snack before the afternoon workout. Today my snack was rice cakes with peanut butter, yogurt, and raisins. 

Rice cake bar: Peanut butter, Greek yogurt, jam, honey.

Rice cake bar: Peanut butter, Greek yogurt, jam, honey.

I did not eat this on this day, however this is a typical snack for me (below is an enlarged photo). Photo was taking by Patrick, who came home and caught me snacking on the couch.

I did not eat this on this day, however this is a typical snack for me (below is an enlarged photo). Photo was taking by Patrick, who came home and caught me snacking on the couch.

Up close photo of a snack I sometimes have.

Up close photo of a snack I sometimes have.

After my afternoon workout, I ate muesli for a protein-packed snack.  Fellow Wollongong Wizard Charlotte McShane shared with me her tip for delicious muesli: Use orange juice instead of milk to hydrate the oats. It adds a sweetness without having to add sugar or other sweeteners. 

Snack: Muesli

One of the things I love about the muesli I make is that every batch is different (and delicious!). I always have a batch in the fridge. It’s perfect when I come home after a session or as a snack before bed.   


1 cup oats

Dried fruit (raisins, dates, dried apricots, prunes, dried unsweetened mango, etc.)

2 cups juice (I use orange)

Chopped nuts (macadamia, walnuts, almonds, etc.)

1 to 2 cups yogurt

Fruit (bananas, grapes, peaches, fresh berries, or whatever you have on hand)

Peanut butter


  1. Pour oats into a large storage container

  2. Fill the container with juice so there is about double the amount of juice to oats

  3. Add a little yogurt, and a lot of dried fruit, fresh fruit, and nuts

  4. Let the mixture sit at least overnight before scooping into a bowl with extra yogurt, peanut butter and some honey if you need more sweetener (I find the honey is not necessary when using orange juice)

My sister says this also looks disgusting, but it is delicious! I was actually just in Auckland with Team USA and Joe Maloy asked Patrick and me "Have you ever heard of this Bircher Muesli?? It's amazing!"

My sister says this also looks disgusting, but it is delicious! I was actually just in Auckland with Team USA and Joe Maloy asked Patrick and me "Have you ever heard of this Bircher Muesli?? It's amazing!"

For dinner, we usually have some sort of potato dish – I love when we have mashed sweet potatoes; however, tonight we had a typical Patrick one-pot dish.

Dinner: Salad without Lettuce

When we make a salad, the ingredients always change, but feta, meat, potato and veggies are always used.


1 large or 2 medium sweet potatoes

1 pint cherry tomatoes

1 large red onion

1 large cucumber

4 big stalks celery

1 pepper

1 avocado

Coconut oil

Brussels sprout

2 chicken breasts

Olive oil

Balsamic vinegar

200g feta cheese  


  1. Chop vegetables

  2. Fry sweet potato, brussels sprout, chicken, and onion in coconut oil

  3. When cooked, combine chopped fresh vegetables with cooked vegetables, feta cheese, and chicken. Add a generous amount of balsamic vinegar and good quality extra virgin olive oil

Salad for dinner.

Salad for dinner.

Tonight’s dinner was finished with a special treat Patrick brought home (see picture below).  Before bed I had a bit of muesli and a sip of Patrick’s beer. 

Two desserts from a local Mediterranean restaurant

Two desserts from a local Mediterranean restaurant

And that concludes one day at the table with me. Hope you enjoyed!


Jan 2014 Update

On January 2nd, I nervously arrived in Sydney, Australia. I shouldn’t have been nervous because I had Patrick by my side; however, I was out of shape after taking full advantage of the off-season. As we headed to Falls Creek, Australia, I had no idea what kind of shape my training partners would be in and I didn’t know what Jamie Turner had in store for us. After a few days, my nerves were eased. We were running easy (at a 5:30km pace) in the morning, having technique focused swims and a few rides down the mountain. There are a few new faces in the Jamie Turner/Wollongong Wizards group. Falls Creek is a perfect place to get to know everyone. We live together in a big ski cabin (we have two houses and each house holds 12 people). I love being able to go to the third floor (where the kitchen/living area is) to have family meals with the other Wizards. Four times a week we go down the mountain to Mount Beauty where we swim outside. My favorite part of Mount Beauty is the Butcher. They have the best meat – I (or, maybe Patrick) now know how to cook a rack of lamb to perfection. Patrick and I talk about and look forward to the Mount Beauty Butcher all year. When we walk in the door of the butcher, we never know what we will buy; but we always know we will have a warm welcome.

Getting back into shape wasn’t something to be nervous about, but it was a bit exhausting. I was sleeping nine to eleven hours a night and taking mini naps during the day as my body adapted. It felt great to get some solid base training in and to get back into a routine.

On January 24th we left Falls Creek and headed back to Wollongong where we will be based until Yokohama WTS (on May 19). From Yokohama, we will travel to our (third) home, in Vitoria (Basque region of Spain) where we will be until the WTS final in Edmonton (on September 2).

Last year, everything was new and I had to adapt to new training and living situations. This year, having familiarity and normalcy allows me to enjoy and maximize my training that much more.

This year, I plan to do an early season World Cup in Australia and then complete the WTS series. The schedule can be found at: www.triathlon.org I have a few goals this year. I want to  Become stronger in the swim and on the bike; Focus on the processes of each discipline during each race with the end goal of winning the WTS Series Overall; Better adapt to change; and Have a stress-free, fun wedding after the WTS Final

Thank you for taking time to read my updates. I’m excited for this year and the road to Rio.

Swimming in Falls Creek
Swimming in Falls Creek
Dinner in Falls Creek
Dinner in Falls Creek

2013 Timeline

As 2014 starts, I wanted to take some time to reflect on 2013 January 3rd, 2013


This was my first year training with Jamie Turner and the Wollongong Wizards.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I loved it!

February 14th, 2013

MY WORST BIKE RIDE: Black racing crit on Valentine’s Day

Emotionally and physically I was wrecked from the past month and a half of training. My body wasn’t used to it and I was missing home. The first part of my day should have been great. I remember Patrick buying me gifts (chocolate, lotion, a love note, etc.). He gave them to me, but I wasn’t thankful.  Anyway, we left for the afternoon ride and I was dreading it. I had a poor swim and run that day and I was so tired I could barely get out of bed.  I rode to the deserted road with the Wollongong Wizards and we were told to race each other.  I was getting dropped almost every lap (and would turn around to try to stay with the group, but I continually got dropped). My mind was not in the correct state. I was tired and making excuses.  My body was still adapting to the workouts, and I hadn’t learned yet how to handle my emotions when I was physically tired.  As the year progressed, I knew what to expect from the workouts and was able to better adapt and change.

February 15th, 2013

ONE OF MY WORST RUNS: 3 rounds of 10 min at 3:50k pace plus 4x1:20 on 2:00 faster

Mentally I was doing heaps better than the previous day.  I felt alright in the morning and at the afternoon swim, but I did not do well at the afternoon run session.  I remember struggling through the first round, getting dropped on the second round and getting demolished on the final round. During the cool down, I ran with fellow Wizard, Natalie VanCoevoerden, and felt like I wouldn’t make it back to North Wollongong Beach.  When we finally shuffled in, we found Charlotte, Grace and the boys playing in the ocean. Jamie told me to cool off in the water. I looked at him with one of my faces knowing that the 50meter walk to the ocean would feel miserable.  Patrick was there, and he could tell I was exhausted.  He started to ask me what I wanted in the curry we were going to make for dinner. “How about broccoli? Carrots? Cauliflower?” All I could think about was how I was going to get the 1k home from the beach.  “Gwenny? Do you want cauliflower?” Patrick repeated. “I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT CAULIFLOWER!” I bellowed. To this day, Jamie makes fun of me telling Pat I didn’t want to talk about the cauliflower.  Obviously, I needed a break.  I spent the next few mornings sleeping in and I was back in business before I knew it!

March of 2013

PATRICK AND OUR BIGGEST FIGHT: How many coffees are acceptable to buy a day?

I think two coffees are acceptable. Patrick likes to enjoy five or so. I know there are much worse “addictions” to have, but I tend to stress over how much money we spend.  In the end, I don’t think either of us won this fight.  We talked about it constantly for a few weeks trying to come up with a  compromise.  We settled with full disclosure (Patrick had to tell me exactly how many coffees he bought a day).

April 19, 2013


After the WTS race in Auckland, I wasn’t sure if I had made the right choice to be a professional triathlete.  I knew I was fit and ready to race, so when I didn’t perform in Auckland I was worried about my career.  Wining San Diego changed everything.  Crossing the line, I remember thinking, Thank goodness. I am meant to be doing triathlon!

May thru September

CONFIDENCE BUILDING WORKOUT: 1k repeats in Vitoria (done between May and September)

I enjoy 1k repeats. They are long enough to make me tired, yet short enough to not wreck the body. I loved doing 1k repeats with either Charlotte McShane or with Aaron Royle.  If I was doing them with Aaron (Bugs, as I call him), he would give me about a 15 second head start.  It works out perfectly so half the time he beats me, and the other half I win. It was motivating, exciting, fun, and gave me confidence. (I tried doing the same thing with fellow Wizard Ryan Bailie, but he always timed it so he would pass me in the first minute, which I didn’t enjoy as much).

July 20th, 2013

MOST HUMBLING MOMENT: Entering T1 at Hamburg in 43rd place

Running to transition from the water and seeing almost all of the bikes gone is not a good feeling.  Jamie and I had been working on improving my swim and I had seen improvements in the pool so this was a very humbling moment for me and something that still motivates me.

August 24, 2013

BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Winning the World Triathlon Series race in Stockholm.

I had a rough time in Auckland, followed by two successful wins in San Diego and Yokohama. The first part of the European season I struggled.  I had a mediocre (at best) race in Madrid, a hard time in Kitzbheul, and a bad swim in Hamburg.  I had been working hard and training well.  A lot of sweat, tears, and gut went into the season, and Stockholm was when I was able to showcase what I’d been learning from my peers, support crew, Jamie, and Patrick.

December 4, 2013


I had no idea Patrick had a ring and was completely shocked when he got down on one knee.  It is a moment I will never forget, and something I cherish every day.  I can’t wait for the rest of our lives together.

December 12, 2013

MOST RECENT WOOPSIE: Ruining soon-to-be Mother(-in-law)’s new kitchen Table

Pat and I drove to Fargo, ND, to spend some time with his family.  While there, I asked his mother, Jane, for some nail polish remover.  Jane gave me some, and went to bed.  Patrick, Craig (Pat’s Dad), and our friend Justin were talking and catching up at the kitchen table.  Patrick farted and I was complaining, so he reached over to plug my noise for me.  He accidently tipped over the nail polish remover which spilled on the beautiful wood of the finished table.  We were frantically cleaning it up and wondering how we were going to explain this to Jane.  An hour passes and we decided to head to bed. I lifted the napkin I was doing my nails on, however it stuck to the table.  “Uh Oh,” I said.  Everyone looked at me and shook their heads as they knew what happened.  The first spot was bad enough, but now there was a huge part of the table that had the finished removed. I was not looking forward to telling Jane. Thankfully, she was a good sport and she didn’t seem to mind too much.

Some Favorites from 2013:

FAVORITE POOL TO SWIM IN: URAC in Wollongong, NSW, Australia.

FAVORITE PLACE TO RUN: Salburua (Vitoria, Basque region). There is a 6k loop that I would be happy running every single day!

FAVORITE PLACE TO RIDE: Cable, Wisconsin or Vitoria in Basque Region.



One of our Family Dinners in Vitoria

family dinner
family dinner

The Wollongong Wizards running in Falls Creek 2013

Source: http://www.gwenjorgensen.com/wp-content/up...